In the modern day world, the source of happiness is taking a sad course downward. Not downward as in it's impossible to fill. If anything, it's more and more EASY to fill. The world is becoming excessivly material. Obsessed with the things we have, living in the moment has become the basis of what Pope John Paul II named the "Generation of Death."
While I grew up in Grade School, I was no very well liked. Even while this was quite obvious, I did have a few friends. Not all of them are still friends today, but that is beside the point. We're in diffrent colleges now. I developed the ability not to care about what my peers did, just the peers themselves. Due to that, I became more of an original person than many who claim originality and sneer at those who are so simila to others. It is the same concept as "Love the sinner, Hate the sin."
While we were kids, the "sin" and "sinner" part were not as apparant. aybe one of us went home crying in third grade because another kid was mean to us, maybe we got a black eye in fifth. After a few years at Catholic school, I turned my focus away from myself and toward the general good and what would be beneficial in the long run.
However, that is not how many people think. Most of the teens, and adults as well, want things for themselves. It may not be what they "need," but it is something that makes them feel good for the time they get it. If you get that thing, life is good. "As long as you are happy now" is something I hear often. What clothes are in style now? I personally don't know or care. Why spend a few hindred dollars of my money o clothes that are "IN" now if they're just going to be "out" in a few hours' time?
Consider the iPod. How many kinds of them exist now? I recently received one as a gift, and it is fun to have. But how often does a new one come out? And how often is anyone happy with theirs? If they have the recources, they will always buy the hottest model when it's hot out of the factory. Those who don't have the money for the new one will spend up money that could be saved for the future or on something more fucional just so they'll feel "up to date." I can undestand getting a video iPod if you make things like flashes. It would be nice to be able to say: "hey! check this out, it's my newest animation, Pizza Eater!" and just shove the headphones on my audience. However, reserving the newest model as soon as it's announced, especially if yours is already just as good, is simply unintelligent.
This living in the moment can be dangerous not just to your wallet but to your life. As I said above, people will often do what makes them happy NOW, not considering the concequeces later. Why is excessive drinking (especially when your GOAL is to become drunk) so appealing? It makes you feel good? I knew a guy (no names) who had a sister that had to get her stomach pumped. Very embarissing, not to mention the fact that it nearly killed her. Doing drugs? Marijuana, despite the so-called "safety" when compared to smoking cigarettes, still has side affects. The smoke sticks in your brain and reduces your mind's speed. Try getting a job when your new boss is putting you through a rigrous Q&A.
One thing that is the quintessence of this argument is the issue of Abortion. How does this process go? First, you fool around. Sure, it may be fun now. Got one life, right? live it to the fullest! Two, you're pregnant. Oh no... my boyfriend (if you had one) is leaving me, and my parents are so embarissed they're considering disowning me. Three! Abortion time! Well, I guess this is the rigt choice. It's my body, after all. Who's going to tell me how to treat it? Once this is over, life will be good again. Fourth, and most omitted, guilt sets in. Oh, no. Ohhhhhh, no. I did what I thought would help me, now I'm always feeling guilty about what I did. It's always on my mind. Should I go to therapy? I should have been smarter! If everyone was smart from the first, they would save sex for marriage and the procreation of children.
So is living in the moment so great? When your grades fail and you're all ou of money, I wouldn't think so. You have to be less material and superficial. By stopping and thinking "will I regret this," you may very well save yourself from a future of emotional trauma and constant bankruptsy.
>>>Thanks for reading! Please post what you think. The future posts on my thoughts will be more thought-out, trust me. Now, discuss, discuss! And live!<<<
K Mr.Biography-Of-Your-Whole-Frickin-Li fe-Man..
ever read the whole thing? maybe the first third referred directly to me. way to think deep.~~applause~~